GLX are pleased to announce our sponsorship of the Thorpe St Andrew football club under 14’s Leopards football team. As a company committed to supporting the local community, we are thrilled to have the opportunity to give back and contribute to the development of young athletes.

The Thorpe St Andrew football club provides a platform for individuals of all ages to enjoy and participate in football and we recognise the importance of sports in promoting physical and mental well-being. We are proud to support the club in their efforts to provide these opportunities to the local community.

The sponsorship includes the placement of GLX’s logo on the team shirts, showcasing our support. It is also a team close to our hearts as our very own Duncan Smith is the team manager.

GLX wishes them the best of luck for the remainder of the season and we look forward to seeing our logo proudly displayed on the pitch.

The Government is proposing to introduce an accrual method to calculate entitlement at 12.07% of hours worked in a pay period for irregular-hour workers and part-year workers in the first year of employment and beyond.

Regular-hours workers, who know their hours, will continue to accrue annual leave in their first year of employment as they do now.

In addition, employers may be permitted to calculate holiday pay for irregular-hours workers and part-year workers using the old method of ‘Rolled Up Holiday Pay’ (RHP) which had previously been deemed as unlawful.

Workers will not be able to request that they receive RHP, it will be the employer’s choice and if used they will be required to calculate a worker’s holiday pay as 12.07% of the worker’s total earnings within a pay period. The employer will be required to pay the worker with each payslip, rather than when the leave is taken and the Government expects employers to clearly mark RHP payments as separate items on each payslip.

These proposals will affect companies whose new holiday year entitlement starts from 1st April 2024 onwards and GLX will be following the progress of these proposals.

You can read more about the proposed changes on the link below and for further information please don’t hesitate to get in contact with the payroll team at GLX to discuss how these changes may affect you and your business.

The team at GLX are thrilled to celebrate Fawn Hindle’s 5-year anniversary with the company. As an ACCA-qualified accountant with a wealth of experience in various sectors, she has been an invaluable member of the GLX team since 2018.

Throughout her time at GLX, Fawn has showcased her expertise in managing finance teams, ensuring tax compliance and providing valuable management information to clients. Her dedication and commitment to helping businesses thrive have greatly contributed to the success of GLX’s clients. Fawn is a valuable asset to GLX and we are incredibly grateful for her dedication and hard work.

On this occasion, the management team at GLX would like to extend congratulations to Fawn Hindle for her 5-year anniversary, and we look forward to many more years of collaboration and achievements.

Running a business presents unique challenges and effective financial management is crucial for long-term success.

Whilst larger companies may choose to hire an in-house finance director, many businesses cannot justify a full-time, permanent position. This may be due to cost, or simply not requiring this provision on a full-time basis, and this is where we come in…..

Outsourcing the finance director role to GLX can be a game-changer, providing expert financial guidance without the cost and administrative burden of a full-time employee. In this article, we discuss the reasons why businesses should consider outsourcing their finance director role.


Hiring a full-time finance director can be a significant financial burden for businesses. Outsourcing this role allows businesses to access the expertise of a financial professional without the costs and administration associated with a permanent employee. Outsourcing offers flexibility in terms of budget and time, allowing businesses to only pay for the services they need, when they need them.

Expertise and Experience:

Accountancy is a complex field that requires specialised knowledge and experience, especially when considering specific regulations and tax laws. By outsourcing the finance director role, businesses can gain access to a team of professionals who possess a deep understanding of financial strategies, tax regulations and industry-specific financial practices. These experts can provide valuable insights and guidance, helping businesses make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes.


Maintaining a successful finance department can be time-consuming, particularly for business owners who already have multiple responsibilities. Outsourcing the finance director role frees up valuable time, allowing business owners to focus on core operations, strategic planning and growth initiatives. By delegating financial responsibilities to experts, business owners can ensure that their financial affairs are in capable hands, whilst they concentrate on other crucial aspects of their business.

Scalability and Flexibility:

Outsourcing the finance director role to a firm like GLX provides businesses with the flexibility to scale their financial management as needed. During periods of growth or expansion, businesses can easily adjust the level of financial support required by tapping into our team of experts. This scalability ensures that financial management aligns with the changing needs of the business, without the hassle of hiring, training, or releasing employees.

Access to Advanced Technology:

Financial management involves the use of sophisticated software and tools that can be complex for businesses to acquire and maintain. By outsourcing the finance director role, businesses gain access to cutting-edge financial technology without the associated costs. This allows them to leverage advanced tools for budgeting, forecasting and financial analysis, enhancing their decision-making capabilities.

Risk Mitigation:

Financial compliance and adhering to regulatory requirements are crucial for businesses to avoid legal issues and penalties. Outsourcing the finance director role ensures that businesses stay up to date with changing regulations and industry standards. Financial experts can help companies navigate complex tax laws, prepare accurate financial statements and ensure compliance with reporting requirements, reducing the risk of costly errors or audits.

Outsourcing the finance director role can be a strategic move for businesses, providing them with access to expert financial guidance, cost savings and increased efficiency. By leveraging the expertise of financial professionals who understand specific regulations, businesses can focus on their core competencies, drive growth and make informed financial decisions. With the flexibility, scalability and advanced technology offered by outsourcing, companies can gain a competitive edge in today’s challenging business landscape.

To discover how our team at GLX can match you with an outsourced finance director, contact us today on 01603 950300 or email

We’re pleased to share that Jack Presland, our Managing Director here at GLX, has received his fellowship status (FCA) with ICAEW.

This is a significant achievement as it’s a recognition of his exceptional professional accomplishments and achievements in the field of accounting. For Jack, it shows a demonstration of outstanding expertise, leadership and ethical standards throughout his career.

Since joining GLX in 2013, after successfully completing his ICAEW exams with a regional firm, Jack has been an invaluable member of our team. He has played a pivotal role alongside our founder in shaping our firm into what it is today, and we couldn’t be prouder of his achievements.

In addition to his responsibilities in running the firm, Jack serves as an outsourced finance director for a number of our clients. This role has allowed him to accumulate extensive experience across various sectors, including construction, property, software as a service (SAAS), motor, hospitality and leisure, and manufacturing.

But Jack’s expertise doesn’t stop at financial management. He possesses a wealth of knowledge in tax planning and has been instrumental in assisting businesses with corporate restructuring. Moreover, he has provided valuable guidance to high-net-worth individuals in mitigating their inheritance tax liabilities.

With his comprehensive skill set and experience, Jack continues to make a significant impact at GLX. He ensures that our clients receive exceptional support and strategic advice in all aspects of their financial affairs.

Join us in congratulating Jack on this well-deserved achievement. We are grateful to have him as part of our team and we look forward to his continued success and contributions to GLX and our clients.

We’re pleased to confirm that Matt Crabtree has successfully passed his AAT exams and is now officially qualified as a member of the Association for Accounting Technicians (MAAT). This achievement marks a significant milestone in Matt’s career and is a testament to his dedication and commitment to the field of accounting.

The AAT qualification is internationally recognised and highly respected in the accounting industry. It demonstrates a high level of technical knowledge and practical skills in areas such as bookkeeping, financial statements and tax compliance. By obtaining this qualification, Matt has proven his expertise and readiness to take on more complex accounting challenges.

We are extremely proud of Matt for achieving his AAT qualification and that his hard work and determination have paid off, and we have no doubt that he will continue to excel in his career.

Matt’s success in obtaining his AAT qualification is just the beginning of his journey. With his sights set on further professional development, he is now set on pursuing the ACA qualification. This prestigious qualification, offered by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), will further enhance Matt’s skills and open up new opportunities for career advancement.

On behalf of the entire GLX team, we would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Matt Crabtree on his AAT qualification. We are proud to have him as a member of our team and look forward to his continued success as he pursues his ACA qualification.

GLX are thrilled to announce the addition of Matt Crabtree to our team as our newest assistant accountant. With his extensive experience in preparing statutory accounts, corporation and self-assessment tax returns, VAT returns and bookkeeping, Matt will play a crucial role in supporting GLX’s clients and helping them make informed business decisions.

Matt’s expertise in these areas will be invaluable to our clients as he provides commercial support and will be assisting them in navigating the complexities of financial management. His commitment to professional development is evident as he nears completion of his AAT qualifications and plans to pursue his ACA qualification in the future.

We are delighted to welcome Matt to the GLX team. His skills and experience will be a great asset to our clients and we are confident that he will contribute to our continued growth and success.

Welcome aboard, Matt! GLX are excited to have you as part of the team and look forward to your contributions in the years to come.

We are thrilled to announce that Edward Gilbert, an Assistant Accountant here at GLX has just passed his AAT exams and is now officially AAT-qualified.

This is an internationally recognised, professional status in the world of accounting and finance and it demonstrates a high level of education, experience and commitment to his career.

Edward joined our GLX team as an Assistant Accountant in April 2021, bringing his expertise in statutory work. His role involves collaborating with client managers to gather, prepare and file year-end accounts for a wide range of companies. But that’s not all, Edward is also our go-to person a valuable resource for those of our clients seeking assistance with bookkeeping and navigating the complexities of VAT and CIS returns.

Edward has true expertise in supporting SMEs, with a specific focus on the hospitality, construction and property sectors. He enjoys the unique challenges faced by businesses in these industries and takes pride in providing customised solutions that have a tangible impact.

Edward’s AAT qualification is a real milestone in his career and a testament to his dedication and hard work.

The management team at GLX congratulates Edward on this incredible achievement and we are proud to have him as part of our team and look forward to witnessing his continued success.

We are very pleased to announce the promotion of Graham Dale to the position of Director here at GLX. After six years of dedicated service, Graham’s exceptional work ethic and commitment to providing outstanding service to clients have earned him this well-deserved promotion.

Since joining GLX, Graham has been a key part of the team, consistently going above and beyond to meet the needs of clients and contribute to the company’s success. His hard work and dedication have made a significant impact on GLX’s growth and reputation.

Graham’s promotion is a testament to his exceptional skills and his ability to build strong relationships with clients. His deep understanding of the financial industry and his commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and regulations have made him a trusted advisor to clients.

On behalf of everyone at GLX, we would like to extend our sincere congratulations to Graham on this well-deserved promotion. We are grateful for his hard work and dedication and we look forward to his continued contributions as a Director.

GLX are thrilled to announce our 18th birthday, marking a significant milestone in our journey.

Since its inception, GLX has been dedicated to providing exceptional financial services and support to individuals and businesses alike. Our commitment to delivering personalised solutions, tailored to the unique needs of our clients, has been the cornerstone of our success.

Throughout our journey, we have remained steadfast in our mission to be a trusted partner in our clients’ financial journeys. We understand that financial decisions can be complex and overwhelming, which is why our team of experienced professionals are here to guide and support our clients every step of the way.

At GLX, we believe in building long-lasting relationships with our clients, based on trust, transparency and integrity. We take the time to listen to our clients’ goals and aspirations, and then work diligently to develop strategies that align with their vision.

As we celebrate our 18th birthday, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our clients for their trust and loyalty. We are honoured to have been a part of their financial journeys and look forward to continuing to serve them in the years to come.

We would also like to extend our appreciation to our team, whose hard work and dedication have been instrumental in our growth and success. Their unwavering commitment to excellence is what sets GLX apart and allows us to deliver exceptional service to our clients.

As we embark on the next chapter of our journey, we remain committed to upholding the values that have guided us this far. We will continue to innovate, adapt and evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients and the financial landscape.

We look forward to many more years of success and growth!

Contact us today on 01603 950300 or email